Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Jesus Is the ONLY Way!

I would like to begin by praising God for the opportunity to see Brittany baptized this past Sunday morning!
God continues to amaze as great things are happening at LWC, we are praying and ask that you please pray that God will give us the increase and that we will reach our community and the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

This past Sunday I spoke on The Building Block of Jesus, and our need as the church to understand that although we live in a society that teaches us to be tolerant and accepting of all religious views, there is only one way to heaven and that is Jesus Christ!

God's whole purpose in sending Jesus to the earth was to provide salvation for the entire world.  God saw and understood that man will never be able to keep a set of rules to the full in order to gain entrance into heaven.

The religions of the world ask their followers to live up to standards that NO man will ever be able to completely fulfill.  This leads to their judgment, and in return eternal separation from God.

All that God asks from His followers is that we believe on Jesus Christ and accept Him in our hearts.  After that, it is pretty easy; we are called to live for Him, love Him, worship & praise Him, and be a testimony of God's power to the unbelieving world.

If you are struggling today, put your faith in Christ!  Know beyond any shadow of a doubt that you have assurance of eternal life in the presence of God.

Pastor Chris

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